Friday, September 16, 2016

Day 8: 11 Night Hawaii Cruise - Lahaina, Maui (Day 2)

Jim  woke up (before 5:00) and took this picture.

After coffee, we took a walk up to the helipad before meeting Valerie & Ian for breakfast. I waved to the officers on the bridge (like they even noticed us!).

We had a second day in Lahaina but decided there was no need to hurry since we didn't have any plans but shopping and lunch at Bubba Gump. We've been having breakfast in the MDR (main dining room) and it's so much nicer than fighting the crowd in the WJ.

We tried to leave the ship at 10:00 but the line was ridiculously long so waited until 11:00 and got right onto a tender. I have my Seattle Seahawks 12 flag hanging on my balcony railing!

It was another hot and muggy day! The ship had ice water at the dock and ice cold wash cloths when we came back before getting on the tender to come back to the ship. That was so nice!

We trekked across town to Hilo Hatties. I wanted to pick up a couple of dresses but the store was less than half the size it used to be and the selection was not nearly as good. The dress I wanted was too small and they didn't have my size. So I ended up getting nothing. But the ABC store was right next door and we purchased snacks for our excursion tomorrow on Hilo!

Lunch at Bubba Gumps was good. We sat by the open window and watched the surf, and the breeze blowing in on us through the big open windows felt good. The wind had started to pick up during the afternoon and the surf was getting bigger. As we were heading back to the ship, we noticed a store that had the kind of dresses that I was looking for. I bought 2 and Jim found a shirt he liked - SCORE! When we walked into dinner one of the waiters had on the exact same shirt Jim had bought. Of course pictures were taken - I didn't have my phone but once I get a copy of the pictures I'll post them! 

The tender ride back to the ship was quite choppy and our tender skipper had a difficult time getting docked at the ship. I was glad we came back when we did because the wind picked up and the clouds came rolling in.

During dinner I started getting a headache so we called it an early night and were in bed shortly after 9:00. I think the heat, and maybe not enough water during the day, had finally caught up with me. 

We have a big day tomorrow - a private tour of the volcano fields and the national park in Hilo. 

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