Wednesday, April 23, 2014

TA Day 6. At Sea.

Wow, what a difference a day makes. This morning's view of the ocean (pic. 1) is definitely not as nice as all the other mornings. This is what I've been expecting for a couple of days - windy and cooler.

There was nothing on the schedule I was interested in doing/attending today so I found chairs in Cafe-Lattitudes and continued work on my 2nd quilt block. Over the course of the morning, Tracy, Valerie,  Brenda, Jim and Melissa hung out with me.

Valerie showed up in her Seattle Seahawks Superbowl sweatshirt I brought her (pic. 2). It was great fun converting an Australian to American football!

After lunch, I went back to Cafe-Lattitudes and finished my 2nd quilt block and started the 3rd with the same people hanging with me as above with the exception of Brenda.

This afternoon's picture of the ocean (pic. 3) shows that at least it's not as cloudy now but it's still windy and cold. The ocean is still choppy but with the following sea, we're not getting a huge amount of rocking and rolling.

The show tonight was not that good - a couple that did some bad magic with ballroom dancing. They danced good but should have let the magic go by the wayside.

We have no idea what our towel animal is tonight (pic. 4). I've left a note for Ferdinand asking him what the creature is!

The ocean is really rocking tonight. That should mean we'll sleep good!

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